Monday, May 26, 2008

Raccoon with BUMP

I made a few calls last night in hopes I could find a ride to go on today. I was thinking I would be heading to Chief Ladaga to ride today. I was pleased to find out a few people were going to Raccoon Mountain. Mitch had expressed interest in riding today, so I called him last night and he was going to meet me to ride up there. We headed up and met Joe and Joel on the way. After a quick stop to get an early lunch at Wendys we met with everyone at the visitor’s center about 11:00. After we got ready we hit the trail and headed Counter Clockwise. This direction had us immediately go down a steep slope and climb back out. I was struggling at this point as I was not warmed up yet. Once we made it back up to the level section of the trail I started feeling much better.
We continued on and had some nice downhill down to the bottom of the dam. We stopped temporarily to jump off one of the dirt mounds there. There were a few sections that looked like they had been improved and the trail was in great shape. We came to the little one-way section and Monty managed to get a flat tire. While he fixed it, Joe jumped off of a nearby log. I goofed up the camera and all my pictures of this came out blurry. They had removed the gap jump, however that had a bridge that was half-built. Jay successfully rode the 4x4 skinny halfway across before riding over the bridge. I now had wished I had gone back and tried to do it again, or at least taken a picture of him riding it. There was a drop shortly after of about 2.5-3’ I decided I was going to ride it this time (As this is where I wrecked last time I was here). I once again somehow went over the handlebars after I landed. I managed to catch myself before going all the way over, but I got a little tangled in the bike. I got up and decided to try it again. I think I was heading too far to the right and getting in the soft dirt so this time I swerved far right and came back to the left. I managed to land it successfully this time, so we headed on. I should have given my camera to someone and you could be looking at great crash pictures instead of just reading about it, but I didn’t.
We rode on around and came to the Lower Chunky section. I didn’t want to miss either section so I suggested we ride around and come back up Chunky and then backtrack to we could get the best direction on both trails. We stopped to play on the log ride for a few seconds as we went around and then rode up through Chunky. It was pretty challenging and a LOT of fun. Joe and Joel decided to take the road back as he was worried about getting back in time to pick up his wife. We headed back through and I stopped briefly to jump off one of the rocks. I gave Jay my camera this time so we could have a picture. We rode on out and rode lower intestine in the reverse direction. Jay said it flowed better in this direction and I would have to agree. We scooted through here pretty quickly and at the overlook we rode down the rocks. It is relatively steep but not too difficult. Everyone rode down it and I got a few pictures. We rode the rest of the trail on out and after a bit of a climb, enjoyed the nice downhill back to the parking lot.
We headed back and stopped at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. I got the Fajita Steak Nachos and they were really good. Today was a great ride and I made it out with only a slight rash from something on my arms, legs, and neck. I think hitting all the foliage did something my skin didn’t like. Jay gave me some Benedryl and it seemed to clear it up, so I will assume it was nothing.


Unknown said...

Nice blog Chris, been checking it out since Mulberry, but just now, Congrats on the great race finishes! Wish I could have gone on that 'Coon ride, but I had been putting off yard work for a while now and had to get it done. I've become so domesticated...quite sickening actually. Call me next time you go and I'll be game for sure.


Sandals said...

Glad you like it. I spent all day Sunday doing yardwork so I could ride Monday. I might give you a call, I am still healing from the wreck the last time I tried to keep up with you at Oak Mtn.

Seriously, I will give you a call next time I get on the Mountain Bike. I am actually going to try and sneak in a quick road ride tomorrow morning. 8:00 at Joe Tucker park in Helena with BBC.