Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pisgah ride and can't stop grinning

After a lot of discussion, we decided to ride Laurel mountain in Pisgah today instead of Squirrel gap. Squirrel gap said it would take about 6 hours and we were worried about having enough daylight. We stopped at Grammey’s restaurant for breakfast (just like every morning) and since it was a drive to get there I got a huge breakfast with French toast, eggs, and bacon. We drove down and parked at the base of the climb. After getting ready we headed up the road. It was a nice climb just to get to the beginning of the singletrack trail. I am not use to starting riding hard right off so this trip has been a shock to my system. It has been really good for me and I need to start off hard more often to improve this part of my riding.

After reaching the trailhead we took off into the woods. We knew this was going to be quite a climb to the top, and it started off pretty flat. The trail had lots of trees down all the way up so there was a lot of stopping to carry the bike over this stuff. At one point there were some branches that we rode through that almost tossed me from the bike. I was not expecting them to be so strong but did not think much of it. Right up the trail I stopped to take some pictures of a rocky section and everyone going over it and I looked back and Jim was pushed off his bike by the branches and started tumbling down the side of the mountain. He flipped twice and landed upside down against a tree. I was scared and me, Miles and Jay ran down to help him. We had to climb down a short way and get him upright so he could even get back up to the trail. It was amazing that the tree was there or he would have rolled for quite a way before stopping. After accessing the damage and realizing he was only slightly scratched and bruised we headed on our way. I really wish I had thought to take a picture after we found out he was OK, but at the time it was not really what I was thinking about.

The trails were beautiful and there were many sections with the trees (I am guessing Laurels) had grown up over the trail to create a tunnel to ride through. I was told that when they bloom, the tunnel is all white from the blooms.

The trail slowly climbed up the mountain it would seem to come to a flat open space (where we would rest a few minutes and regroup) before getting steep and slowly leveling off to the next open area. Most of these climbs really tested me as they were long, steep, and technical. It was fun to try to make it up them without putting a foot down. Most of the trail was ridable, however there was one steep rocky section that comes to mind that there was no way I could ride so I just hiked up it. Generally if Joe and Lee tried to ride it, I would try to ride it also (Notice my use of the word TRY).

After a few of these climbs with each seeming to get steeper than the last, we came out at the top. We stopped for a snack and lowered our seats for what was ahead. When everyone was rested, we headed off to the downhill. There is definitely a thrill from flying down a steep trail where you have no clue what is coming up. The bike was much more skilled than I as it danced lightly over the rocky ground. I was jumping off of rocks wherever I could and loving every second. The trail went down the side of the mountain pretty quickly with some tight switchbacks. Most of these were right on the edge and as my front wheel was going around the outside of the turn I could glance over the side. It was quite scary and every one I negotiated correctly just added to the huge smile on my face. We stopped to regroup a couple of times and I was amazed at how long we waited. It always made me wonder if I was maybe taking this a little too fast for my own safety. But those thoughts flew from my mind as soon as we started back down the trail and I got another huge shot of adrenalin from the fun.

We came upon a huge rock garden and I tried to ride it. About halfway down one of my feet popped out of the pedals. There was no way I was going to stop or put a foot on the rock (as the guys would say I didn’t make it and I would have to go try again). It was extremely bumpy and I fought staying on a good line as I also fought to get my foot back in the clip. When I finally did, the other foot popped out. I somehow managed to wrestle it back in as I finished up this part. I was so happy I let out a yell of joy when I reached the bottom. I climbed back up to get some pictures of everyone else. I think everyone that decided to try and ride it made it down. It made me realize just how tame blood rock is.

We got to the end and I couldn’t believe how quick we got to the bottom. He had been climbing for hours and it seemed like we got to the bottom in 10 minutes. However it was definitely worth it and I would do it again in an instant.

Jim and Miles headed back down the gravel road to the car and we were going to take a short loop through the woods to add another mile or so. This section was relatively flat and just a fun ride. I started cramping a little on the backs of my legs, so I had to spin it out instead of putting much force on the pedals until it passed. Jay also got a flat tire in this section. I was amazed that we made it this far without a single flat considering everything we had been through. He changed it extremely quickly and we finished up and headed back to the cars.

It was a perfect day for the ride and the views from the mountain were awesome. I really enjoyed this ride.

We hit a Chinese buffet on the way back and it was the biggest buffet I have ever seen. They had sushi on the buffet and it was decently good. I ate till I was stuffed then got a big bowl of ice cream for desert. I generally avoid buffets due to poor quality food (and to keep the backfat at a reasonable level), however whoever had the idea to go here should be awarded a medal it was so good.

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