Tuesday, January 1, 2008

First ride of the year

Me and Tommy went for a ride at Oak Mountain on New Years day to start the year off right. We were supposed to be joined by my brother and Moran, but both of them backed out due to hangovers. I guess it helps to stay home and not drink as my Fiancee was sick and I just stayed at home with her.

We started out Clockwise at Oak Mountain and rode. Did I mention that it was cold today. My fingers were pretty frozen and we only rode to the North trailhead and decided to turn around and ride back. Tommy was able to ride the log for the first time today and I actually got a video of him backing it up with a second successful ride.

Lastly we stopped to take some pictures of Thomas the Gnome that showed up next to the Rock garden sign. It looks like he wants some company. Maybe there will be more showing up over the next few months if the park doesn't remove him.

I have been doing a pretty good job of keeping track of my rides on Bikejournal. I created an Oak Mountain trail and I think I am going to do the same for Lake Lurleen and a few other local trails that are not on there yet. I did come up short on my goal of riding 600 miles since I joined in late September. I am trying to get Tommy and Moran to join so they will give me some competition to ride more this year. I was thinking of starting some sort of club to log allour rides to, but that might be pointless. I have not set any goals yet, but intend to do it soon.

Link to remainder of the pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/grundcm/OakMtn2008_1_1

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